Writing for the web:
1] Keep it simple, short and sweet. A few paragraphs and an image per page. Occasionally pages can be lengthy and wordy.
2] a few warm and friendly images of yourself, webpages can be cold and unfriendly otherwise
3] Guidelines: http://www.dal.ca/webteam/web_style_guide/writing_for_the_web.html
4] Includes pages and a menu similar to other websites in your field
How to edit a webpage:
1] Login at https://www.ansut.ca/wp-login.php
2] enter username/password
3] you can view the main Dashboard (has all the lefthand menu options) anytime by clicking the upper left link ‘ANSUT’-Dashboard
4] Lefthand menu-All Pages-select page of interest, or browse to webpage and press Edit button at top of page
5] Edit main text as desired. Keep it simple, keep bolds, italics, headings to a bare minimum
Headings: Format menu dropdown-Formats-Headings-select a heading
Add links: highlight text-Press Link icon (looks like paperclip)-enter link details
Insert images and pdf: see below
6] Press Update button on righthand side
7] Press View Page at top of page to see newly edited page
Create a New Page
1] login-lefthand menu-Pages-Add New
2] Enter page title and any other page text
3] Righthand menu-Publish button
Uploading Media (pdf and images)
if its an image, consider edit with instructions below first, image should be in web format (72dpi)
1] lefthand menu-Media-Add New
2] Select pdf or image
Inserting Media Into Webpage (pdf and images)
1] place cursor where the pdf link or image should go
2] Press ‘Add Media’ button (above text box), select media
3] images may have additional properties like Alignment and Size
Edit a photo for the web (72dpi=web format, larger resolutions slow down page load):
1] Go to picmonkey.com
2] Click ‘Edit a Photo’ in the menu
3] Upload photo, select recommended middle setting (for the web)
4] Click ‘Crop’ button in lefthand menu
5] Crop image as desired (ie. 300px x 300px)
6] Click ‘Save’ from the menu above the image
7] Click ‘Save to my computer’ in the lefthand menu, done
8] Login to wordpress, lefthand menu ‘Media’, select ‘Add New’
9] select the image you just edited, upload, done, now you can insert it into a webpage
Switching Themes
a] Pages->All pages->Quick Edit all of my pages, de-select ‘Private’ checkbox
b] Apearance->themes->spacious-child->activate
c] Settings->Reading->Front page displays->(Home->Welcome to Ansut, posts page->News & Announcements)
d] Pages->’Welcome to ANSUT’->Template (lower right section)->Business Template (check out the ;Default Template’ too, you may prefer that one)
To switch back to the original, select and activate the theme, then select your home page under settings->reading
Posting ‘News & Announcements’
Posts->Add New->enter title and article->Category checkbox, lower right ‘News & Announcements’
Update Homepage
Appearance->widgets->Business Top Slider->Text box
Homepage Slider
Appearance->Theme Options->Slider->add/edit slides
Note, you could replace a slider’s text with a recent news/announcement blurb and link
Update Right Hand Side Bar and Footer Widgets:
Appearance->Widgets->Righthand sidebar->Recent posts, Text box,
Appearance->widgets->footer->footer sidebar One and Four
Update menu
Appearance-Menus-select pages to add/remove/subpage
Highly discourage you from opening the site up to public comments, your site will likely become spammed
Settings->Allow people to post, I have de-selected this
Skype paul.lindgreen ,call, email
There’s lots of good youtube tutorials online too should the instructions above not be enough.
When some formatted text is driving you nuts its a good idea to clear the formatting (Format-Clear Formatting) and if that does not work cut all the text out and paste it into Notepad and then start again by pasting it back in from Notepad (which strips all the formatting).
Admin Account Tips
1] your site should be backed up before installing plugins or doing updates, this can bring down your site or be very difficult to recovery from.